In case, you have started a new company then the first thing that you need to consider is to establishing your company’s brand in the current market so that people will know about your presence in the market.
One of the most cost-effective ways for accomplishing this objective can be by using promotional products that are available with Concept Plus. So, let us see how you can use such promotional items effectively to create your awareness in the market.
We shall try to create few check lists so that it becomes easier to implement this plan and one can smoothly meet their objectives. The guidelines provided here will be in general and for certain specific business it may or may not be fully applicable.
If you look at the range of promotional items then there are more than 85,000 different items that can be used as promotional items. Following are few checklists that you need to follow.
- Create your promotional budget
First thing that you need to decide is how much amount you would like to spend for your marketing campaign and based on that you will decide the type and quantity of item.
- Decide your target market
You have to decide based on the product and service that you are going to offer, who will be the target customer for your business so that you can decide your item.
- Short list few promotional items
You can select few items which can meet your objectives and hence you need to select few numbers of items so that you can short list few among them.
- Will you offer these items to your existing customers?
Now you have to decide whether you want to distribute all these promotional items to your new customer or to all your existing customers.
- Will you offer items to generate leads?
Often you need to offer such promotional items to your target market in order to generate leads. Based on that you can decide your promotional item.
- Purpose of offering promotional item
You must decide the purpose of offering your promotional items so that you can choose your item based on that.
- Where and how will you offer items?
You have to decide whether you want to directly hand over the item or you want to mail it to your customers.
- How will create your promotional message
You have to decide how will you create your promotional messages on these items.
- Review
You need to review time to time how effective is your marketing campaign by choosing certain promotional item.