Blogging is a good way to advertise your business in a professional manner and thereby quickly gain more visitors. Because you write on the external blog about topics you know a lot about, this ensures that people will see you as an expert in your field. This expert status builds trust and sets your business apart from competitors.
Link Building
With an external blog post you also participate in a form of free link building. This is interesting in the short and long term. In the short term, there will be visitors who click through from your blog article to the link to your website. They do this because they find the content in your blog post interesting. In the long term, you can become easier to find in the Google search results. Google sees the links from other websites as a guarantee of good content and is more likely to show your webshop in the search results. This higher ranking also ensures more traffic to your webshop.
A blog post with valuable content is an excellent marketing tool with little cost, because it only takes time. Do you have a special story as a company? Do not hesitate to share this with your customers in a blog post! The challenge is to really stand out with your blog posts.
Place an Advertisement on Marketplace
Marketplace has more than 1.3 million visitors every day. 40% of these visitors are looking for new products. Marketplace is therefore ideal for reaching people with a high purchase intention. Ebay is a way to bring your webshop to the attention of people who search for certain products on marketplace via an advertisement. You can have an advertisement from 50 euros, depending on the position based on click price and click percentage. When you need to know how to sell on ebay you need to know these also.
Attend Forums
When starting a webshop, it is essential that you know who your future customers are. Investigate where the target group is located and what it is doing. You can then become active on forums, blogs and other websites where many of your customers are active. Share your passion and opinion with others. Not only will you gain brand awareness for your company this way, you will also work on your expert status. People are more likely to order from your webshop if they have confidence in the company.
Place a Link on Ebay
Homepage is an independent page with links to websites on specific topics. Each homepage has its own topic, divided into various categories. Homepage provides a good overview for customers looking for a website or a specific product. People who end up in your webshop via Home page are looking for your products. They therefore view your webshop in more detail, with more interest. You can easily add your website as a suggestion at Home page. Whether your webshop is actually placed between the links depends on the web administrator and whether he thinks the content of your webshop is interesting enough. Linking is free, with the only requirement that you include a return link to Home page on your page.